Intelligent privacy protected monitoring

AMBIINT Solutions

AMBIINT specializes in the collection of data from the environment with a particular focus on data protection. Besides, AMBIINT’s advanced AI algorithms enable complex data analysis in real time. In addition, AMBIINT’s unique hardware data protection system guarantees high data protection in all situations. Already during acquisition, all data is anonymized. Subsequently, analysis of the collected anonymized data find valuable contribution in various practical applications.

Fall Detection /
Ambient Assistant Living
People Counting /
People Flow
Retail Analysis
Traffic Analysis /
Mobility Analysis


Fall Detection /
Ambient Assistant Living
People Counting /
People Flow
Retail Analysis
Traffic Analysis /
Mobility Analysis


Use Cases

Fall Detection

Residential care / at-home care

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death amoung elderly peoples. The AMBIINT sensor monitors individual’s motion and activities in rooms. Plus, falls are detected in real time and an alarm is sent to caregivers.


of the AMBIINT fall detection system
fall detection
alert sending
change in activities

Retail Intelligents

Brick-and-mortar stores

Store heat maps show dwell times: How long do your customers spend in which area? In addition, your store layout can be optimized and customers are navigated through the store to certain products. This will help you save area space and increase your product sales. It shows customers’ age, gender, preferred products and product interaction times.

Dwell time

Heat maps

Store heat maps show dwell times: How long do your customers spend in which area? Your store layout can be optimized and custumers are navigated through the store to certain products. This helps you in savings of area space and increases your product sales. Additionally, it shows customers’ age, gender, preferred products and product interaction times.

Queue management

Minimizing service times

Your customers’ check-out time is analyzed to optimize check-out counters and cashier staffing. Thus, a shorter waiting time also improves the customer experience. 

Management dashbording

Statistics and Charts

AMBIINT retail customized dashboards allow you to analyze and adapt operations quickly to customers needs and future market trends. Besides, anonymous information guarantees the protection of a person’s privacy.